Monday, October 18, 2010

Changsha-Day 1--Hannah!!

Andrea & Jadyn at Beijing airport ready to fly to Hannah's province

Delicious breakfast on the plane!!! :) Actually only had the yogurt!! Doesn't that look yummy?
Hotel room in Changsha
Dolton Hotel

The first glimpse of Hannah
Hannah and her new family
Supper with Liz
We headed out from our hotel at about 4:30 AM to go to the airport to fly to Changsha, Hunan where Hannah is from. When we arrived we were greeted by Anna (Amy our guides helper) and she took us to the Dolton Hotel. We had 2 room in the Dolton not connected together but next door. We then got settled in the hotel and then about 2:30 PM we met our guide, Amy and went to the civil affairs office to meet Hannah. We were able to see her when she was getting out of the van. She was very nervous coming in to meet Andrea & Jadyn. I videotaped for Andrea so her family back home would get to see the first meeting. We then went back to the hotel and her and Jadyn played lots of games. It was hard to communicate but the games seemed to break the ice a little bit and playing games on the ipod with Jadyn. Hannah was in a big brother/big sister program in China and so her big sister, Liz came over in the evening and we went to supper with her. Liz is from Australia but can speak Chinese also so Hannah was very glad to see her.

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