Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beijing-Day 2

Our church service
Lunch with our group
Tianamen Square

Forbidden City

Birds nest from the 2008 Olympics

Inside the birdsnest

The next day started with an international church service. It was really amazing to go and actually hear the word of God in China. We had to show our passport in order to get into the service. We then went to tour the pearl factory. They had a lot of beautiful pearl jewelry there. After Lunch we went to Tianamen Square and the Forbidden city. The forbidden city was where the emporers lived and nobody was able to go in there until now. It is now a museum. It went on for miles, building after building. The next stop was the olympic birdnest. We were able to pay to go in there and that was so fun to see. After that we went to dinner with the group and then back to the hotel. We packed for our trip to Hunan the next day. We will get to meet Hannah tomorrow!!!!!

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