Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Chelsey & Brittney in front of the big slide on the ship

We are almost to Cozumel

Diane, Chelsey & Brittney in front of cruise ship

All 15 of us crammed into one van

The broken down van

Trying to hitch a ride (Not really)

Miguel our taxi driver

On Wednesday we slept in. We ate breakfast and then went to play miniature golf. We arrived at Cozumel about 1:00 PM. Decided to eat lunch and then go off the ship. We didn't have any plans for Cozumel so we asked about snorkeling, etc after we got off the ship. We decided to start walking and see what we could find. We got about 3 blocks and a taxi driver stopped us and tried to get us to go with him and he said he would take us to a swimming beach, snorkeling and then to downtown for shopping. We decided to go with him. We all piled into his van, which was only supposed to hold 8 we had 15. We drove for quite awhile and were on the other side of the island when our worst nightmare started coming true. His van broke down. We didn't know what we were going to do. He kept telling us to wait by the van and he would go get help. He came back with a truck that he wanted us to get into the back of, none of us were about to do that. We were right by the beach and so decided to walk down by the water. He told us it as dangerous to swim there and so the kids just played in the sand. After about 1/2 hour he did not show back up so we decided to walk to a building which was close by which turned out to be a hotel. We asked there is anybody knew our taxi driver and none of them did. We had just been there for about 10 minutes and Miguel showed up with a new van. He then took us to a beach where the kids could snorkel and found a lot of conch shells. After we were done there he took us downtown and Chelsey, Brittney, Jamie, & Hannah got their hair braided. We were also able to get some souvenirs. Miguel then took us to his house and went inside and brought us out about 6 really nice shells that we could keep. He then took us back to our cruise ship. We made it back just in time to change our clothes and go to dinner. This was our last port and tomorrow we will be on the ship all day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Key West

Chelsey & Courtney racing down the waterslides

Tracy & Larry

Justin & Sheena

Brittney & Jamie

Chelsey & Bryan

Courtney & Daniel

Matt & Brandon

All of us but Justin

We arrived at Key West about 7:30 AM. We ate breakfast and then made our way off the boat. We were shuttled to the shops in Key West. The kids wanted to go to the beach and so we spent some time shopping and then headed to the beach. We were only able to spend about an hour at the beach as the ship was taking off again at 2:00 PM. The kids were able to do some snorkeling and see some cool fish. After we got back on the boat the kids wanted to go to the water slides and so we spent some time at the waterpark on the ship. That evening it was elegant night and so we dressed up for supper. One of the options on the menu on elegant night is Lobster. The kids all tried the lobster and most of them liked it. After supper some of us went Miniature golfing which was fun.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Carnival Cruise Day 1

Waiting for the shuttle at the hotel

First glimpse of our Carnival Cruise Ship

Tracy & Justin having lunch

Bryan & Chelsey


Daniel & Courtney

Brittney eating jello

Our room

Brandon & Dylan in their room

Jamie, Justin, Sheena & Hannah

The center of the ship

Leaving Miami

Our ship

1st nights dinner

The captain & crew, who's driving the ship???

We left Fort Lauderdale on a shuttle and headed toward Miami on Monday to board our cruise ship. We finally got on the boat about 12:30 pm and headed to the top deck called Lido to the buffet for lunch. We were then able to get into our rooms about 1:30. We left Miami at 4:00PM headed towards Key West Florida. The ship will port at 7:30 AM the next day and then we are able to get off and tour Key West. If the ships Captain and crew was at the first nights show, who was driving the ship??