Friday, August 28, 2009

Brandon turns 15

Brandon turned 15 on August 28th. He wanted to go to the river for his birthday and so we did go the Sunday before his birthday. It was a lot of fun and some of the kids were buried with only their head sticking out and we spent some time playing around in the water. Brandon and I tried to build a sandcastle but that wasn't very successful and thus no pictures of that. He spends a lot of time on his I-pod touch that he recently bought and so we gave him a clock/docking station for his birthday. It just seems like yesterday he was born and now he is in High school and driving to school on a school permit. He is a great kid and is always willing to help if asked. He is a great big brother to his siblings and Chelsey loves to play with him. Happy birthday, Brandon--next year you get your license!!!

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