Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brittney's new Bible

Brittney receiving her BibleBrittney received a Bible from church on Sunday during rally day. Our church gives Bibles to all kids going into 3rd grade so they will read the Bible. Rally day is our promotion Sunday when the kids all start going to their new Sunday school classes the next week. I am praying that Brittney will really read her Bible and apply God's word to her life.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Brandon turns 15

Brandon turned 15 on August 28th. He wanted to go to the river for his birthday and so we did go the Sunday before his birthday. It was a lot of fun and some of the kids were buried with only their head sticking out and we spent some time playing around in the water. Brandon and I tried to build a sandcastle but that wasn't very successful and thus no pictures of that. He spends a lot of time on his I-pod touch that he recently bought and so we gave him a clock/docking station for his birthday. It just seems like yesterday he was born and now he is in High school and driving to school on a school permit. He is a great kid and is always willing to help if asked. He is a great big brother to his siblings and Chelsey loves to play with him. Happy birthday, Brandon--next year you get your license!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First day of School and first time driving

Brittney-3rd grade Courtney-6th grade
Dylan-8th grade

Brandon-9th grade

Brittney & Courtney in front of the school

Brittney with her teacher, Mrs. Ericson
Getting ready to leave
Brandon driving away

The first day of school was Wednesday, August 19. Brittney started 3rd grade, Courtney started middle school-6th grade, Dylan started 8th grade, and Brandon started High school this year and is a Freshman. Brandon also got his school permit this summer and so on Thursday he drove himself and his 3 siblings to school for the first time. Mom was a little nervous but he did great. I can't believe that our oldest is now driving!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Vacation in North Dakota

Brittney & Chelsey playing with the cat

Brandon, Courtney & Dylan riding high on stilts

We went on our annual trip to North Dakota hoping to help with harvest. Harvest will be really late this year and hadn't started when we left. The kids all had a fun time on the farm (after the rain stopped) and were able to spend a few days with their cousins also and had fun with them. Courtney was excited to be able to drive the 4-wheelers by herself but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of her doing it. Bryan is hoping to go back up in the next few weeks by himself and help my parents with harvest depending on when it starts.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


On June 26th, Dylan and Brittney headed to camp. Brittney went with her cousin Jamie and stayed for 3 days. I picked her up on Tuesday and she had a really great time and when I asked her if she was ready to come home she said that she wanted to stay all week at camp. I am really glad that she liked it. Dylan went with Travis to camp and also had a good time. It was his first year to be in the "Fort" which means the cabins are air conditioned and you get to play really great Alpha Wolf. We are very fortunate to live 25 miles from a really great camp where the kids can hear the word of God and learn verses and have cool camp pastors that will inspire them to go out and share Jesus with their friends.