Monday, February 16, 2009

Snow day and sledding fun

Chelsey, Kendall & Brittney before going down hill and going down the hillCourtney pulling Chelsey up--the hill is pretty steep

Courtney & Jadyn going down the hill

On Friday we woke up to get ready for school and there was no snow on the ground but it was predicted to come. I checked the computer and school was cancelled--it was kind of strange with no snow yet. It started snowing about 7:45 AM and then kept on snowing hard at times and we ended up with about 6-8 inches by about 2:00 PM. The kids all went over to our neighbors to sled. They all had a really fun time going down the hill and riding behind the four-wheeler. I took Chelsey over after her nap and she loved it. Both her and Kendall had a hard time walking back up the hill, though.

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