Tuesday, December 29, 2009

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree how lovely.....

Brandon made a Christmas tree out of snow in the front yard and even put lights on it. We had a lot of comments on the tree from people driving by. Dylan made a dog and a dish out of snow also, it was very cute.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Blizzard

We stayed home for Christmas this year, the first year ever since we have been married. Bryan's brother, Paul, came and spent Christmas with us. We had a really good time and much time in the house as we had a blizzard that lasted from December 24 to December 27. Paul was able to get out on Sunday and go to his sisters house in Omaha but the roads were still not great. We spent a lot of time doing a puzzle and Bryan, Paul & kids went outside to build an igloo (first picture). They had a fun time doing that and the kids even wanted to sleep in it???!! Would have been terribly cold as the temperatures were below freezing for most of the Christmas break.

Monday, December 21, 2009

MS/HS Christmas concert

On December 21st we had the middle school/high school Christmas concert. Courtney also sings in choir and plays the saxophone in the 6th grade band, Dylan plays the trumpet in 7th/8th grade band and Brandon plays the Saxophone in the high school band.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Peace, Love, Dance

Courtney participated in our schools dance team clinic on December 12. They practice their routine and then perform it for the half time of the girls basketball game. Courtney loves to do this and did a great job at the game.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Elementary Christmas Program

Brittney is the only one that is in elementary school this year, she is in 3rd grade. This is her in her christmas program.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Church Christmas program

The kids were in the church christmas program and I was able to get them to pose for a picture which is a miracle these days.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Chelsey looks forward each year to visiting santa in walmart. She was very excited to see him and tell him all that she wanted for Christmas. We visited santa in Omaha about 2 weeks later and he asked her what she wanted and she said "you already know", meaning she had told him already 2 weeks before, it was pretty funny. Brittney also was excited to see him and Courtney just went along with it and sat in for a picture.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


The girls had a lot of fun trick or treating this year. We go to the nursing home and the residents there all love to see the kids. It is also a fun time going with our friends!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MS/HS Fall Concert

Courtney's 6th grade band

Courtney playing Saxophone

Dylan playing his trumpet

Brandon playing Saxophone

Brandon in his marching band uniform
On Tuesday, Oct 6 we had a middle school/high school fall concert. Courtney sings in choir and plays Saxophone. Brandon & Dylan play in the band only. The High School band performs their marching band music at this concert.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Harvest of Harmony Parade

Courtney & Zoe watching the band

Chelsey trying to get her candy open

Here comes the band
Brandon is the last one in the row with the Saxophone
On Saturday, Oct. 3 our high school band marched in the Harvest of Harmony parade. We went to watch the parade and had a great place to watch it. This is Brandon's first year in high school and first time marching. We have about 140 in our high school and about 100 are in band. We had a great time watching the parade.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Brittney & Chelsey learn to ride their bikes

Brittney learned how to ride her bike in August after we came back from vacation. She has always been afraid to ride and finally learned. In September Chelsey (4) decided that maybe she could ride without training wheels and so we took them off and she learned on her own. They have both been spending a lot of time riding their bikes together after Brittney gets home from school....too bad it is getting cold now and the bike season is about over!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jesus in Chelsey's heart

This evening Chelsey came to Bryan and said that she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart. So we sat down and talked for a bit and then she asked him to come into her life (with help of course). We were so excited for her. She called Grandpa Myers and told him. She told her sisters and said that now all three of them were going to heaven and asked if they could go there tomorrow!!! No one knows when it will be and could be any time!! Now all of our kids have accepted him and that is very exciting for us!!!

Steve & Stacey

Playing Lacrosse
Having lunch Sunday after church
Steve & Stacey
The whole bunch

It was a very fun weekend when Steve & Stacey came to visit us. We talked a lot and were able to see pictures of Stacey's missions trip to Brazil and Thailand. The kids, Bryan, & Steve played a lot of Lacrosse also. It was a very beautiful weekend, sunny and in the 70's, a little different than the 100's that they are used to in Arizona. A fun time was had by all and we hope that they come back to visit us again sometime!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brittney's new Bible

Brittney receiving her BibleBrittney received a Bible from church on Sunday during rally day. Our church gives Bibles to all kids going into 3rd grade so they will read the Bible. Rally day is our promotion Sunday when the kids all start going to their new Sunday school classes the next week. I am praying that Brittney will really read her Bible and apply God's word to her life.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Brandon turns 15

Brandon turned 15 on August 28th. He wanted to go to the river for his birthday and so we did go the Sunday before his birthday. It was a lot of fun and some of the kids were buried with only their head sticking out and we spent some time playing around in the water. Brandon and I tried to build a sandcastle but that wasn't very successful and thus no pictures of that. He spends a lot of time on his I-pod touch that he recently bought and so we gave him a clock/docking station for his birthday. It just seems like yesterday he was born and now he is in High school and driving to school on a school permit. He is a great kid and is always willing to help if asked. He is a great big brother to his siblings and Chelsey loves to play with him. Happy birthday, Brandon--next year you get your license!!!