Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 Chelsey carving her pumpkin

 Brittney carving her pumpkin
 Courtney carving her pumpkin

 Chelsey & Brittney on a hayride

The girls with Grandpa Jack, doesn't he look cute?!
Look at all the candy I got!!!

Brittney & Chelsey are the only ones left young enough to go trick or treating!!  We started off by going downtown to the annual downtown boo.  The girls got a lot of candy there and played a lot of games.  We also went on a hayride and had hot dogs and s'mores.  We then went to the nursing home to trick or treat and Chelsey was so excited to go to the Free Church to go to truck or treat.  Instead of awana they decided to do this but the kids were also able to say verses and since Brittney's book is really hard she said some verses to her leader.  We then went around to some friends houses and always fun to go see what mask Grandpa Jack is going to have on.   Courtney told me that she is going to get a mask out of his collection and hand out candy with him next year!!  We missed our friends Kendall & Zoe this year as we have been trick or treating with them for a bunch of years!!  The girls got a lot of candy and are able to share a lot with their sister and brothers!!!

Friday, October 26, 2012


 Parents Night
First Varsity Game

Courtney did a great job this year in volleyball.  She started the year playing on the "C" team (Freshman) and JV.  She improved so much this year and did a very good job.  She had quite a few kills this year but unfortunately I didn't get any of them with the camera.  She was able to be on Varsity for the last game of the season due to some of her teammates bad choices and was actually able to play a little bit and get 2 kills that night. She may be short but she sure can jump!!  She had a great season and these pictures are just from the games throughout the year.  The varsity girls made it to the final game in districts and then lost, if they would have won they would have made it to state.

Monday, October 22, 2012

MS-HS Fall Program

Brittney-6th grade choir
 6th grade band
Brandon & Dylan


Brandon & Courtney

I love the fall concert.  They play the marching band songs for this concert.  It was Brandon's last time in his marching band uniform and last time playing their marching band music.  Courtney was an alternate for flags this year but was able to do flags in one of the parades and for the concert.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Another one with braces....

Courtney was the latest family member to get braces.  I think she looks great in them. Her teeth are a little sore but she is doing great with them.  Dylan is scheduled to get his off in 4 weeks and he is very excited to get rid of them!!!   

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Harvest of Harmony Parade


We braved the cold weather to go to the Harvest of Harmony parade.  It was Brandon's last marching ever, the start of the lasts for him.  They stopped in front of me and my camera was giving me problems so these are th best of the pictures that I had.  They were not playing their instruments when they walked past which was a bummer.  It was Courtney's first time marching as she was doing the flags for the last parade.  The girls did, however, manage to get a bunch of candy!!