Monday, September 20, 2010


Courtney had just bumped the ball, see it at the top of the picture?

Courtney had her first 7th grade volleyball game on September 20. The first 2 pictures were from that game which they ended up losing. The next pictures are from their 2nd game which they won and were very excited about that. Courtney loves volleyball and has sure enjoyed the season so far.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Husker Game

Bryan and Brandon went to Husker game on Sept 4. The night before we stayed at the husker headquarter hotel Em*bassy Suites in downtown. They have pre-game festivities the night before a game there. Chelsey & Brittney got their picture taken with Lil Red and we also got to see the hot dog shooter.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Where but in Nebraska can you ride a cattle tank down a river with good friends, lunch and lots of snacks, and a cooler full of pop?? We had a great time!! The kids didn't really ride much they floated or walked down most of the way. I think this needs to be a yearly summer activity???!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

16 years old!!!

Playing with his sister in the sand

How can 16 years have gone by so fast?? I can't believe that Brandon is 16 already. He wanted to celebrate his birthday by going to a Nebraska Cornhusker game, so he and Bryan went for the opening game on September 4th. We went to Lincoln the night before and spent the night at the Em*bassy Suites in downtown Lincoln and then they went to the game the next day. The day of his birthday he wanted to go to the river so we invited the "cousins" to come and they all had a really fun time. We celebrated with gifts and cake in the evening. The highlight was getting his drivers license on the following tuesday!! Happy 16th Birthday--Brandon!!!!