Friday, April 30, 2010

Track and Dylan turns 14

Dylan doing the triple jump Waiting for the mile to start

Before he passed everybody
Finishing the mile run--He placed 1st

Brittney really wanted to get Dylan gobstoppers for his birthday

Dylan with his new ripstick

Dylan had a track meet here on Thursday and they could choose what they wanted to do. Dylan did the triple jump, mile run, 100 M, and the 4 X 400 M relay. He placed 5th in the triple jump and place 1st in the mile run. He did a great job and we were very proud of him. He also turned 14 years old this year and his first question on his birthday was when can I get my learners permit. He wanted to go eat out and chose Chinese and then he wanted to go to the all school play. I can't believe it has been 14 years with him. He doesn't talk much (even at home) but he is a real great kid and we love him very much.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Concert & Field Trip

The 3rd grade class at the museum

Brittney trying an old time game with a stick and hoop

Brittney in an airport fire truck

Brittney had her grade school spring concert on Tuesday and Wednesday we went to the Stuhr Mus*eum in Grand Island and looked at different forms of transportation. We started with horses and wagons and then went on to trains. We also visited the airport and saw how they check bags and security and also were able to see the fire trucks that they use if there is a fire at the airport. It was a fun day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Brittney finished her first book in T & T this year in awana. We are very proud of her accomplishments this year.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

'tater planting time

Everybody needs a good potato planting outfit, but what is up with the elbow pads, knee pads & gloves? The potato garden is planted and Chelsey asked this morning if she could go out and see if they are growing think it takes longer than that!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

8th Grade Graduation

Last Night Dylan graduated from 8th grade. Actually they have a month left but this was the only time between now and then that would work for graduation. There was a short program with Mr. Booth (their science teacher) speaking and then they received their certificates. We then enjoyed pizza and then the kids stayed and watched a movie together. I can't believe where time had gone and now we will have 2 kids in high school next year.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The last His Kids

Last night Chelsey had her last His Kids program, she will be going to awana next year. There was a puppet skit and they sang lots of songs. We then did a craft together and had cookies. Chelsey is wearing a crown to celebrate her birthday since it is after His Kids is over.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday Courtney

Courtney turned 12 this year, I can't believe where all the years have gone. Courtney wanted to go out to eat on her birthday but our family wasn't able to because her dad was on call. I decided that I would suprise her and invited her good friend, Jadyn and her mom to go out with us. When we went to pick her up she asked what they were doing with me and when she found out we were going out to eat together she was so excited. She wanted to go to Applebees and they sang to her and gave her a brownie and ice cream. We all had a really fun time. I did forget my camera and so have no pictures of the evening.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


This year my mom is turning 80 years old and so the girls and I decided that we would go up to North Dakota and surprise her. They were both shocked and so excited that we could come up and spend Easter with them. When we got there Grandma said that we were just going to do fun stuff the whole time we were there. We were able to go out for both of my parents birthdays at a chinese restaurant which was fun. We colored easter eggs and spent Easter at the nursing home service with Courtney playing amazing grace on her Saxophone and playing Jesus Loves Me and Chelsey singing. The residents all loved that and even the staff came to the door to listen. We went to church for a nice Easter service after that.