Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chelsey's 4 year pictures

I took Chelsey's 4 year pictures and here are a few of my favorite ones. It took about 3 times to the park to get some good ones. We were all ready to be done by the 3rd time!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Swedish Festival-Rusty the Clown

On Friday we went to the Rusty the Clown show at the Swedish Festival. Bryan got called up on stage to balance a plate on a stick. The girls all got balloons made into a cat or dog. Chelsey was not happy in the picture as she fell on the sidewalk after getting her balloon and got a large sore on her arm.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Brandon on his bunk

Casey, Caleb, & Brandon

Brandon, Casey & Caleb and their cabin leader and junior cabin leader

Brandon went to camp on June 14 for the week. It was cold the week before so we were wondering if it was going to warm up and it did, fortunately they have air conditioning in their cabins. He had a great time with his friends and his favorite part, besides the fact that they are their to learn more about Jesus, was the games that they play and the highlight is "Alpha Wolf". I still don't get what they do but apparently it is a blast.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mexico Missions Trip

On June 3, Bryan, Brandon, & Dylan flew to Phoenix to stay with Bryan's brother, Steve. They went down to go to Mexico on a missions trip with Steve's church. They were able to swim in the ocean, do some construction work on a Christian radio station, hand our fliers and bags for the trash ministry, and feed burgers and hotdogs to a lot of people. They also were able to do some hiking in Phoenix the last day of their trip. It was a good experience for the boys to be able to see and help those who don't have much.