Thursday, May 14, 2009

7th grade zoo trip

The boys in my groupDylan and me

Dylan with 3-D glasses on

Dylan's 7th grade class

My group and another group we went around with
I went with Dylan's 7th grade science class to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha (2 times in one week!). The groups each got a clipboard of Countries and we had to find at least one animal for each country. We went to the Desert dome, Butterfly exhibit, Aquarium, Rainforest, and saw the monkeys, bears and the big cats. We also went to the Imax and saw a show on the African animals--it was amazing but I got a little queasy & dizzy at times. Dylan is such an animal lover and he loved going back even if it was the same week!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Walking through the Desert dome
Who isn't very happy about a picture? Maybe the 14 year old??
Near the end of a long day--everybody is still happy--except a couple!!

Brittney with a gorilla in the background
Courtney & Brittney posing with the elephant
The petting zoo

Since we have so many birthdays in April and May we decided to all celebrate together by going to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, NE. The weather was beautiful for the day and everybody else thought so too!! We didn't make it into the butterfly exhibit and aquarium because there were too many people. The kids all had a great time and are looking forward to going back because we bought a zoo pass, so hopefully we will be able to make it back there soon!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Last Track Meet

Dylan & Brandon and their 4 X 800 M relay team
On May 8 the boys had their last track meet of the season in Genoa. Bryan and I were able to go to the track meet and watch the boys run. They both ran the 4 X 800 M relay, 1600 M run, and the 800 M run. They did a great job in track this year and we were very proud of them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brittney's 8th birthday

Brittney turned 8 years old on May 6. We celebrated by getting pizza and going to a park. The kids all had fun playing there. We then went back home to have cake and ice cream.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Planting our garden

We planted our garden and had a big helper to do it. We planted beans, cucumbers, yellow squash, zucchini, radishes, beets, and snow peas. I sure hope that our garden is as good as it was last year!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Chelsey is 4

On May 3rd Chelsey turned Four years old. We celebrated by having our good friends, the Tweetens, over for a cookout as Chelsey wanted her friend Kendall over for a party. We had hot dogs and hamburgers and just hung out around the campfire. It started to rain and so we had to move indoors for cake. Chelsey wanted a ladybug cake like her sister did when she was little. I can't believe our little girl is 4--she is growing up fast.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

8th Grade graduation

All the boys in the 8th grade classBrandon, Casey, & Caleb

Mr. Nickel, Brandon, & Mr. BoothBrandon receiving his graduation certificate

On May 1, Brandon had his 8th grade graduation. The evening started with pictures and then we ate pizza and had ice cream sundaes. The speaker was Mr. Ken Booth and then they had a slide show and Mr. Nickel then gave them their graduation certificates. We then went to York to go cosmic bowling which went from 9:00-11:30. It is hard to believe that Brandon will be in High School next year!!