Friday, January 30, 2009

Courtney before performing

Before haircut

After haircut

Courtney was a part of a dance team clinic at our school. She learned a routine and then performed for half time of the boys basketball game on Thursday night. She did a great job!
Chelsey got her first haircut on January 30. I know you can't tell much of a difference but I did cut enough off to make the ends straight.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Dylan made the free throw-see the basketball in the net

Go Cougars!

This is how Chelsey spent most of the game.

Dylan's 7th grade team had their first basketball game on Monday and they lost 23-25. Tuesday they also had a game but got beat by a much larger margin. They only have 7 kids from their class out for basketball so Dylan plays the whole game. He still likes it despite getting beat so that is what counts.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hoop Shoot Contest

We woke up early this morning to drive to York for the free throw shooting contest. Dylan was selected as a representative of our school in the 12-13 year old group. He didn't win but he placed third out of 7 in his group!! Way to go, Dylan!!