Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve always starts off with the traditional smorgasboard of food. We all look forward to this every year.
This year after we ate my dad went out to check on a cow that was going to have a calf and it had had the calf sometime that day. It was cool for the kids to be able to go out and see the calf that was born on Christmas Eve. Courtney told me they named him Baby Jesus. Calving usually occurs in March--neither of my parents know what happened?!

My mother told the Christmas story of the wisemen bringing gifts to Jesus and each received gifts like the wisemen had brought as she told the story--it was really neat.
Look what santa brought the boys!Courtney with her gift

Brittney with her high school musical CD

Chelsey got Hermie and a Hermie movie from Don & Angie & kids.
We had a good time celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior with my mom and dad and brother and family. We don't see each other very often so was a nice time together.

Grandpa & Grandma and all their grandkids.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sledding Fun

Chelsey & Dylan

Brandon & Jace

Courtney, Kailee & Brittney
We headed up to North Dakota for our annual Christmas with my family. My brother and his wife and 2 kids were there too for about 2 1/2 days. My parents have received an over abundance of snow this year so it was fun for the kids. It would have been much better is the temperatures would have cooperated--I think this day it was about 12 degrees and the kids were all bundled up well!! Brandon was the official sled puller on the 4-wheeler as my dad could not get his snowmobile started.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Church Christmas Program

Brittney & Chelsey before the program


The only picture of Dylan who was a wise man--sorry it is blurry
Courtney is the angel on the left
Our church had their Christmas program on Sunday December 14th. Dylan was a wise man, Courtney was an angel and they both had parts. Courtney and Brittney were angels also. They were only up there for a short time to sing--Away in the Manger. Chelsey sang very loud. The program that they did was Twas the Night Before. The kids all did a very good job and we are all glad that we have the freedom to show the true meaning of Christmas--Jesus' Birth!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Piano Recital

DylanCourtney & Brittney playing a duet

On Saturday, December 13th the kids had a piano recital. Deb has 28 students (Piano, guitar and even one on the accordian). Each of them played 2 songs and then Courtney and Brittney played a duet. They all did a great job and I was proud of all of their hard work!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First Snow & Middle School Christmas program

Brittney and Chelsey making snow angels

We had our first snow on December 8th and so as soon as Brittney got home from school the two girls went outside to play in it. They were disappointed that they couldn't make a snowman but it was too cold outside. The boys had their Christmas concert on December 9th and so now the school programs are done. Brandon plays Saxophone and Dylan plays the trumpet.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Visit with Santa

Chelsey's first time seeing Santa


Even the Mom's got in on the picture with Santa!!

Today we went to Wal-mart and before we went I was looking on their site and it showed a possibility of Santa being there so I grabbed my camera. Chelsey was a little hesitant at first and was really scared but I put her on his lap and she warmed up--well, sort of. We also went with the tweetens and the moms got in a photo op.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Concert

Courtney warming up her Saxophone

We had the grade school Christmas concert last night at the new school. It has a lot better sounds system so it was a lot easier to hear. They performed the Nutcracker and it was really good. Courtney plays the saxophone in 5th grade band and for their first performance they did pretty good.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Tree Decorating

Dylan & Courtney look like 2 scrooges!

Dylan putting the star on the top

Brandon put the train together around the tree this year
The tree decorating was interesting this year most of them didn't want to help put it up but I think when they got going they liked it. Brandon wanted to set the train up without anyone helping him and then was disappointed because the whistle doesn't work and he said that is his favorite part. Chelsey is now old enough this year to understand and she loved to put the ornaments on the tree and if she would have let her do the whole thing it would have been covered!! She didn't want to stop. All in all I think everyone had fun.